Nothing can beat the feeling of CONTRIBUTION…..

Nothing can beat the feeling of CONTRIBUTION….. !!

What a day it was? Super awesome, I would say. Got the opportunity to deliver Financial Literacy Sessions for our force. Delivered Three sessions back to back in a row for around 1000 people including Senior Officers, Officers, Jawaans and New Recruits with in time limit of 10am to 6 pm.  

Nothing can beat the feeling of contribution which I gained during and after the lectures. I was actually overwhelmed and felt blessed by having the opportunity to serve the people who serve our Nation.

It would have not been possible without Our BSF Chief, Director General, Mr. K K SHARMA. Few years ago, after meeting him, I actually realized that our Nation’s Force is in the hands of great leadership. He has Single-handedly led this Mission of Financial Literacy in BSF. He gave us all the opportunities to deliver all the lectures across the border of our country. 

In today’s fast and competitive  culture, it is very in-common practice where so many talented people are being stopped or manipulated by their teammates or leaders from growing further just to keep name and fame to themselves only.  I would definitely write and post a blog about this kind of behavior in future, but not here. So let’s come back to the topic. Even in this kind of world, he created opportunities for his people and others.

I have seen a gem of a person in DG SH. K K SHARMA who actually concerned about our Nation’s Paramilitary Force where there is no pension if one joins after 2004. He took so many initiatives for them. Financial Literacy was one of them.  He is doing a selfless service to our Nation. Our forces are securing our nation, whereas he is securing force’s financial future. In reality, People in the force devote their whole life to the Nation. Life is not easy at all, when you are in forces. You have to sacrifice your family, moments and so many other things for the peace and safety of our Nation. A Big salute to all The Forces of our nation.

It is wonderful to see that we have great Statesman in INDIA like SH. K K SHARMA.

Once again i would like to mention that Nothing can beat the feeling of CONTRIBUTION…., our contribution causes a release of a chemical called dopamine in our mind. Dopamine is the seed of that awesome feeling which we can not replace by any other activity. 

The question here is why some people love to contribute whereas some doesn’t even bother about it. Actually, the answer is pretty simple, more you do contribution… more dopamine will be released in your mind… which will give you more good feeling… more good feeling will encourage you to contribute more and when you would act in that particular way, it will become a cycle and you will keep on going on the path of contribution… that’s the reason if some child start contributing in young age then, in future,  it is more likely that he or she will contribute for the society in a big way. This process doesn’t have to be conscious process. People just do it as they enjoy the process.

On the other hand, some people doesn’t get the taste of contribution. To be very honest, they don’t understand the feeling of contribution. They just do the things for the sake of their hidden reason (which we called selfish reason), although they feel very smart about themselves. But that’s not their fault either, as we all are the puppet of our mind. If they don’t get any thing out of the situation then they don’t like to walk on the path internally. Psychologically, They get the feeling of time waste.

Once someone has chosen the path of any kind out of both the situation whether consciously or unconsciously. It is very difficult to change the course of path of mind.  it may be difficult but not impossible ofcourse. Only awareness can take the lead to remove the old references and make new ones.      

Deepest Gratitude towards everyone and everything in this Universe – Rahul Saini.